L’Hybride (Lille)

Address: 18 rue Gosselet, BP1295, 59014 Lille Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)3 20 53 24 84/ F : +33 (0)3 20 53 26 76
Email: antoine at lhybride.org
Contact: Antoine Manier, Julie Cronier

2 screens, 1×100 seats (with a classic configuration – up to 200 persons with specials configurations) + 1 x 10 seats

Tech: 16mm, Video

History: The place was created in 2007, as an extension of activities such as the International Short Film Festival and the Animated Film Festival.

Organisational structure: Association loi 1901 – a non-profit organization

Editorial Line:Programmes on audiovisual creation and independent cinema : all forms of audiovisual creations that are not or little screened in Lille. / Short films, animated films, experimental films, independent feature films. / Transdisciplinary projects: cine-concert, VJing, live performing arts including video…

Regularity: Every week, at night, from Thursday to Saturday – 3 programmes / On Sunday every two weeks, one afternoon for the children / Closed in July/August / About 120 programmes per year

Other stuff: (See above) + video library: 300 short films for free consultation

Publicity: Brochure every two months / Website / Newsletter 3000 subscribers / Facebook 3000 friends / Press relations

Audience: 10 000 visitors in 2008, 12 000 in 2009 / 5 000 members since the place opened

Funding: 45% self-financing (takings from the memberships and profits from the bar) / 5% patronage / 30% employment help from the State / 20% grants

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