Regenbogenkino (Berlin)
Address: Lausitzer Str. 22 / 10999 Berlin / Germany
Tel: +49-3069579517
Email: team at
1 screen, about 60 seats, but can stock up to 80.
Tech: 35mm, 16mm, digital beamer
History: Started in 1981 as result of a squatters initiative. Still in operation on same location, a former small chemical factory in a backyard remise in Berlin-Kreuzberg, we are part of the Cultural – and Neighbourhoodcenter “Regenbogenfabrik “ showing repertoire, art house features, documentaries, series, political films with discussions.
Organisational structure: Its an registered association, and still operated by a team of cinematic enthusiasts on a voluntary basis.
Editorial Line: See before, we play sophisticated and political films beyond
mainstream. We like to do series to special issus or filmmakers. We show original film with subtitles.
Regularity: Weekly from Thursday to Monday, 4-6 screenings for children (school cinema), 4-8 sreenings for adults
Other stuff: After relaunch this year in spring, we started some special events like the described concerts on film. We did also a wine degustation with a film about winegrowing, a possibility of getting a haircut while showing shortfilms about coiffeurs, we did an exhibition with fotographs and films in the context of the fall of the Berlin Wall…
Publicity: A monthly brochure with our programm is distributed, we have a
webpage, we are listed in all Berliner press organs. Besides we do streetmarketing with flyers and posters in the neighbourhood and operate mailing lists.
Audience: To regular film screenings, the audience is low, it depends on how good press work is going. For special screenings mailing lists bring a lot of audience.
Funding: Entrance fee of audience, low costs because of unpaid work. The last
years we became some money in honour of our good programm,“Bundeskinopreis, Kinopreis Berlin-Brandenburg”.