Cercle des Cinés (Liège)

Address: Rue des Wallons 45, 4000 Liège / Belgium
Tel: +32 486 45 97 53
Email: cercledescines at liege.com
Contact: Sébastien Demeffe



1 screen, up to 100 seats

Tech: Betacam SP, DV CAM, Mini DV, DVD, VHS, 16mm

History: First born as a cineclub about 2004 in our neighbourhood social house, we slowly raised our programme now weekly seeing our screenings as open platform for debates and meetings in the associative network. We try to invite film makers to present their films as often as possible and want to develop these opportunities of dialog between authors and our public.

Organisational structure: It is a non profit association organised as a collective.

Editorial Line: The programme is concepted by an open and changing collective with the only main rule of presenting non comercial films. We try to promote an interaction between our public and the authors as well as the associations we are collaborating with.

Regularity: Once a week, every sunday in regular bases but starting to organize more dates during the week with a different kind of event.

Other stuff: Concert, performance, conference… Once every two month.

Publicity: News letter through our mailing list and flyers.

Audience: Between 15 and 20 on a regular base, from 30 to 40 when the director or a specific association is invited, up to hundred for particulars events.

Funding: None, we just use the place for free.

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