Filmclub 813 (Köln)

Kino 813 in der BRÜCKE
Address: Hahnenstraße 6 / 50667 Köln / Germany
Tel/Fax: +49 221 3106-813
Email: programm at
Contact: Bernhard Marsch (bernhardmarsch at / +49 176 29354882)

1 screen, 180 seats

Tech: 35mm (all formats) – 16mm – Super8 – Video/DVD

History: 1990 the Filmclub 813 was founded by 8 cineasts. On 12.1.1991 was the first public projection in a small cinema in Cologne with ROTE SONNE by Rudolf Thome (1970). Since 1995 we could use the cinema of the British Council Cologne in cooperation. Two of us reorganized the 35mm projector at this place with two projection machines from the former AKI-Kino of the main station of Frankfurt.
After the closing of the British Council Cologne we had the possibility to buy the whole equipment of the cinema. Since 1.7.2001 the Filmclub 813 is the operator of the KINO 813 in der BRÜCKE. Nowadays we can stay there for the next 25 years without any rent by decision of the City of Cologne. The Filmclub 813 has at the moment 40 members with an inner circle of 10 persons.

Organisational structure: We are owner and cinema operator of our cinema as a cultural non-profit organisation/association

Editorial Line: Everything can be shown by the members of the Filmclub 813, but it has to be in financial responsability – for example retrospectives of directors, actors or genres and movies you can’t see in other cinemas in Cologne.

Regularity: In average we have 3-4 screenings a week.

Other stuff: Sometimes we combine concert and film; theoretically we can arrange audio presentations, like radio plays or something else.

Publicity: We have a monthly flyer, a website, a newsletter and everybody can find our daily/weekly programm in the Cologne newspapers.

Audience: Cineastes (“over 30”), students, everyone …

Funding: We get basic financing from the City of Cologne and sometimes we have extra money for projects by different cultural institutions, for example “SK Stiftung Kultur” (a bank foundation). The rest is financed by the receipts coming from our programm activities.

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